DIY Guide - Make Sprouted Seed Tea With Blue Corn - MI Beneficials

DIY Guide - Make Sprouted Seed Tea With Blue Corn

Learn how to make Sprouted Seed Tea using blue corn and why it is a beneficial addition in your watering to benefit plant vigor and yield.

Dry blue corn kernels

Blue corn sprouted seed tea (SST) is an excellent way to give your plants added Cytokinins, vitamins, minerals, phytohormones, amino acids and antioxidants. By sprouting your corn seeds prior to making your SST it improves your plants nutrient uptake and immediate bio-availability in the soil.

How Much Corn to Use

For a 2.5 gallon batch, use roughly 1/4 cup or 1oz of dry kernels.

For a 5 gallon batch, use roughly 1/2cup or 2oz dry kernels (The amount pictured above)

For a 50 gallon batch, use 5 cups of dry kernels.


How to Make Sprouted Seed Tea with Blue Corn

  1. Rinse corn in a strainer thoroughly.

  2. Soak kernels in non-chlorinated tap water overnight, 8-12 hours.

Let seeds sit in cup of non-chlorinated water for 8-12 hours
 3. Rinse kernels again and place them in an empty jar or cup. Drape a wet paper towel over the cup and let sit until sprouts emerge and grow to roughly 1/4". With blue corn this process can take 48-72hours after soaking.

     Place damp paper-towel over seeds in cup

     4. While letting seeds sit, check them daily to ensure the seeds are not drying out. Keeping the paper towel wet is ideal to ensuring the seeds do not dry

5. Once seeds have sprouted roughly 1/4", add roughly 1/2 - 1 cup of water and blend into as fine as possible.

Blend sprouted blue corn into a fine liquid mush

6. If you are hand watering and not through hand sprayer or irrigation you can mix the mush directly into your plant water and water in.

7. If you are watering through a sprayer or irrigation, use a strainer or cheese cloth to strain the mush from the liquid. Make sure to thoroughly rinse all usable white liquid off the mushed seeds. Repeat this process until rinse water is clear.



When To Use Blue Corn SST

Root Drench:

We recommend adding corn SST to your watering regiment one time monthly at minimum through and once during the first 30 days of flower.

Foliar Applications:

Apply a foliar sst application once a month during vegetative growth for best results.

Why Use Blue Corn SST

Corn contains Cytokinins which helps promote plant vigor, helps increase cell division and assists plants in generating new growth sites and shoots.
Blue corn sprouted seed tea (SST) is an excellent way to give your plants added Cytokinins, vitamins, minerals, phytohormones, amino acids and antioxidants
Looking for a pro-tip? Use Earthcraft Regenerator, which is a high brix, liquid quillaja and yucca extract which will not only improve seed germination, but it will provide sugars for microbial life to feed on and thrive on your SST.

Read More About These Key Soil-Based Beneficial Insects

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